Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The birth of Baby Gunner

At 8:30 am. Saturday morning I woke up to a text saying "on my way to the hospital and contractions are 10 minutes apart."(The text was sent at 6:50 am and I never sleep this late) I said to my husband should I shower or just go. He was like you better get your ass there now LOL. So off I went thinking I wasn't going to make it in time. All I imagined was her giving birth in the car lol. . I walked in the room to my dear friend/client in so much pain curled up in a ball shaking with pain and tears. The camera bag went straight to the side and I took on the roll of the coach and comfort until her support system showed up. Once they got the pain under control we waited for the Dr. to break her water and at 12:57 p.m. I witnessed the miracle of this beautiful baby boy.
THIS is why I do this job. THIS is why I love this job. THIS is why I am thankful to my higher power for giving me the ability to capture life. So much love in this room that day. A moment I will never forget and am honored to be a part of.